How to Hold CPR Chest Compression Hand Position
Lay the trauma victim on his back on a flat surface. Place the lower portion of your palm, near to your wrist, onto the sternum on the lower middle of the victim's chest.
Keep your fingers of this hand lifted up and away from the chest of the trauma victim. The bottom of your palm fits into the concave part of the chest.
Criss cross your arms then apply pressure with only the top hand and not the bottom. Put your dominant (the right hand if you are right handed and vice versa) hand atop the hand that is already placed on the chest. The top arm creates a 90-degree angle with victim's body.
Steady your elbows as you push in quick successions on the trauma victim's chest. Bend the elbow of your bottom arm but straighten the top arm. Press down on the chest up to 2 inches. Do 15 compressions followed by 2 breaths. Do about 80 to 100 hand compressions per minute.
Administer first aid maneuvers considering a trauma victim's age and size. For a baby, you use the two fingers of one hand to do CPR compressions. Pressing the chest down up to only 1 inch, you do so onto the lower part of the chest and at 100 hand compressions per minute. After every fifth compression, you must give one resuscitating breath into the baby's nose and mouth at the same time.
Perform CPR on children under the age of 8 by using only one hand for the compressions. Position the hand heel of your dominant hand into the bottom portion of the chest and execute 5 compressions followed by a rescue breath via the mouth only. Do 100 hand compressions per minute.
Share the duty of administering first aid maneuvers with anyone in the vicinity who is also well versed in proper CPR technique. This strategy helps you and other good Samaritans avoid mistakes due to tiring or overlooking significant factors.