How to Check a Pulse During CPR
Locate the carotid artery on the neck of the victim after you have evaluated breathing and given two rescue breaths if needed. The carotid artery can be felt on both sides of the adam's apple. You should always check the pulse on whatever side is closest to you. Do not reach across the patient's neck to check pulse as you could block the airway with your hand.
Place two fingers on the carotid artery. Do not press too hard or you might not be able to feel the pulse. Always use your fingers when checking a pulse, be sure not to use your thumb. Your thumb has a pulse of its own and you might confuse this with the pulse of the patient.
Move your fingers around until you can feel the pulse easily.
Perform chest compressions only if there is no pulse present. Never perform chest compressions on a victim who has a pulse even if the pulse is weak.
Check the pulse every minute while performing rescue breathing. This is approximately one pulse check for every 12 rescue breaths given.