How to Calculate Blood Alcohol Content the Next Day

Blood-alcohol content measures the percentage of alcohol in your blood. There are several reasons you might be concerned about what your blood-alcohol content will be in the morning. Perhaps the police or an employer are going to test you; perhaps you are just curious. Whatever your reason, calculating your blood-alcohol content involves only solving a simple formula.


    • 1

      Find how much alcohol you have consumed (or will have consumed) in fluid ounces. A glass, bottle or can of beer equals .6 ounces, as does a glass of wine. A shot of liquor equals .5 ounces of alcohol. This is "A."

    • 2

      Find your body weight in pounds. This is "W."

    • 3

      Use the alcohol distribution ratio for your sex. It is .73 for men and .66 for women. This is "R."

    • 4

      Work out how many hours will elapse. This is "H."

    • 5

      Solve the formula "%BAC = (A x 5.14/W x r) - .015 x H." In other words, multiply the amount of alcohol you have consumed by 5.14. Divide by your body weight. Multiply by the alcohol distribution ratio. Subtract from this .015 times the time that will elapse. The final result is your blood alcohol content at the time specified tomorrow.

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