John Gough Driver Instruction
John Gough Driving School is a driver training organization located in Abbeydale, Gloucester, in the United Kingdom. John Gough and his staff began teaching in 1963 and boast to have taught around 5,000 students. The school offers lessons for both seasoned drivers and newbies.
Class pricing is generally just under 10 pounds. You can choose between training in an automatic or stick shift (manual transmission) if you prefer. Classes are offered all seven days. The lessons will prepare you in basic motor vehicle operation, hazard perception and test preparation. Before you take the test(s), the school offers mock tests to ready you for the material.
You must obtain a provisional license before beginning study at John Gough. You should be at least 17 years old to enroll in the courses. As of 2011, the fee for the written test was 56.50 pounds. Be prepared to wait seven weeks before you can take the exam.