Risks of Not Wearing a Seatbelt
Despite the statistics about seat belts saving lives, many people still do not wear them every single time they are in a vehicle. It's important for everyone to know the risks they take when they choose to not wear a seat belt.
The biggest risk of not wearing a seat belt is the risk of death. Seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45 percent. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 60 percent of people killed in car accidents were not wearing their seat belts. The failure to wear a seat belt while in a vehicle is the cause of more deaths than any other behavior.
Serious Injury
Many people end up with critical injuries if involved in car accidents and they are not wearing a seat belt. Injuries could include broken bones, small and large bruises, or even things such as a broken neck or spine, which could result in paralysis, a lifetime issue. When you wear seat belts, the risk of moderate or critical injuries is reduced by 50 percent, according to an article from the American College of Emergency Physicians.
Increased Fines or License Penalty Points
Legal issues can arise if police catch you not wearing a seat belt. Many states have laws regarding seat belt use, and have fines for people who do get caught not abiding by these laws.
There are two different types of seat belt laws. A primary seat belt law is when law enforcement officers are allowed to stop a vehicle when they observe a driver or passenger not wearing their seat belt, and issue them a citation for that reason alone. A secondary seat belt law is when a law enforcement officer is allowed to issue a citation for a driver or passenger not wearing a seat belt only when they stop a vehicle for another infraction, such as not driving safely or following other road signs or rules of the road.
The Governor's Highway Safety Association encourages all states to seriously consider increasing the fines for seat belt violations, as well as consider assigning penalty points on drivers' licenses for violating seat belt laws. Though not as big a risk as death or serious injuries from not wearing a seat belt, these are serious consequences, and many people do not want to pay a heavy fine or have their license suspended for something as simple as wearing a safety belt.