How to Get a Handicapped License Plate in Pennsylvania
If you have a disability and live in the state of Pennsylvania, you may have certain driving privileges. Pennsylvania provides special plates for persons with disabilities as long as the persons are the registered owners of the vehicles. The exception to this rule is someone acting in the capacity of in loco parentis of a qualifying individual; this is any adult with parental rights, duties and obligations who acts in the role of parent for a child under the age of 18. These special plates allow you to park in certain spaces, providing easy access to your favorite places.Instructions
Ensure you have a qualifying disability by accessing the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation website. Qualifying disabilities include the use of portable oxygen, the inability to walk 200 feet without stopping to rest or loss of limb that requires a prosthetic device to walk.
Obtain Form MV-145 by accessing the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation website. Complete the applicant information for the person with the disability.
Visit your primary health care physician or your local police department to have your disability certified. The practitioner must be licensed in Pennsylvania or a neighboring state and can only certify disabilities within their area of specialty. Neighboring states include New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia and Ohio.
Sign and date the application in the presence of a notary and return to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in Harrisburg along with the plate fee. As of November 2010, the fee for a disability plate is $7.50.