Gasoline Safety Hazards

Gasoline is a flammable chemical that can harm you in several ways if you don't handle it properly. A number of health problems can occur if an individual is exposed to gasoline for long periods of time. The symptoms of gasoline-related health problems can vary from relatively minor ones to severe ones. You should always take proper precautions while handing gasoline to ensure you're not injured.
  1. Flammable

    • Gasoline is highly flammable and evaporates into fumes that are easily combustible if they come into contact with any kind of spark or flame. This is why you're not supposed to smoke while pumping fuel into your vehicle.


    • Gasoline is a recognized carcinogen. Carcinogens are defined as any substance that has been shown to cause cancer. Since gasoline is considered a carcinogen, there's a risk of developing cancer from being exposed to or handling it. There's not any safe limit for handling carcinogens.


    • If you inhale gasoline fumes, it can irritate your nose, throat and lungs, as well as cause headaches, dizziness and even a loss of consciousness. Repeated inhalation and high levels of exposure to gasoline can affect your lung and brain function.

    Skin Problems

    • Prolonged or repeated exposure to gasoline, either by inhaling it or by touching it, can cause skin problems. Skin problems that can result from gasoline exposure include dry skin, cracked skin and redness of the skin.

    Environmental Hazards

    • Spilled gasoline, which may contain lead, can kill plants and contaminate soil. Gasoline emissions have been shown to add to pollution and affect air quality.

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