Safety Concerns of Digital Billboards
Distract Drivers
Digital billboards are designed to attract the attention of passersby. The changing colors, lights and sometimes the catchy music can effectively distract drivers. Most digital billboards appear on busy highways and roads, where the traffic is likely to be heavy. If a driver's attention falters and he looks away for a few seconds, he is at much higher risk of causing an accident. The driver may drive into the vehicle in front, lose focus on the speed or veer off track. Drivers could also drive into medians or partitions on the road.
Communicate with Drivers
The world of digital billboards is changing and growing at a very fast rate. New, sophisticated billboards can even communicate with cell phones and the computer systems in some cars. Some billboards can change the display based on text messages from drivers passing by. Some even have the capability to intercept radio signals from passing cars. Using this information, the digital billboard may change the display to attract the attention of drivers, based on what they are listening to in their cars. This communication can lead to an increase in the tendency to text while driving.
Distract Pedestrians
On busy intersections, pedestrians are as likely to be distracted as drivers. People crossing the street may focus all their attention on a digital billboard and fail to notice an oncoming vehicle. Such pedestrians could get hit or cause bigger accidents because oncoming vehicles have to stop suddenly or change course to avoid hitting the pedestrian. When it is dark, the flashing lights on a digital billboard can also confuse some pedestrians who may misinterpret traffic signs.
Blur Traffic Signals
The lights on a digital billboard can be too bright, especially during the night. If the billboard is located too close to a traffic signal, it can confuse oncoming drivers, especially the elderly or those with vision problems. The bright glare of the billboard can lead to confusion between red, green and yellow, especially if the billboard itself is flashing a colorful advertisement.