Driver Safety Procedures
Before Driving
Before pulling off, a simple checklist is a good place to begin. After getting in the car, place the key in the ignition. Adjust the seat for comfort and safety and the mirrors to gain maximum viewpoints. Fasten and adjust safety belts and make sure all of your passengers do the same. It is imperative that the car has safe tires, proper fluid levels and clean oil.
The best defense against an accident is planning early for a turn. First determine if the turn is legal. Then start your signal at least one-half block before the actual turn. Make sure that your vehicle in the proper right or left lane, depending on the direction that you are turning, and reduce your speed to move into the turn smoothly. Look for obstructions in the road, other vehicles and pedestrians. Grip the steering wheel lightly before moving into the turn.
Lane Changes
Before changing lanes, check you mirror and look over your shoulder to ensure that there are no other vehicles or obstructions. Turn you signal on. Quickly check your blind spot again and start to merge into the next lane. Maintain designated speed while smoothly changing lanes. Bring your vehicle into the center of the lane. Verify your proper speed once more and turn the signal off.
At times, automobile accidents occur because of a driver passing another vehicle under unsafe conditions. Therefore, before initiating a pass, check traffic for clear space. Verify safety from behind and on the side through the rear view and door mirrors. Check your blind spot. Accelerate your speed slightly and move into the lane you will use to pass. After centering your vehicle, wait until it's safe and merge back into the lane of the car that you are passing.