Highway Traffic Regulations
Speed should always be kept within reason of the speed limit when traveling on highways. Some highway speed limits are 60 mph and higher. An accident at this speed is extremely dangerous for all passengers and vehicles approaching the accident. Responsible driving is required when road conditions worsen. A person found speeding will be given a warning, ticket, fine or may be arrested.
Slow Moving Vehicles
Large trucks and other slow moving vehicles should always stay in the right lane, or the lane farthest to the right designated for slow moving traffic. A slow-moving vehicle can overtake another vehicle by using the left lane when it is OK to do so and when both lanes are moving in the same direction. Traffic control devices may direct slow-moving vehicles to use a specific lane.
Vehicle Lights
Emergency and maintenance vehicles can use sirens only if responding to an emergency. No light other than white light, and no flashing, revolving or rotating white light is allowed on a vehicle unless it is an emergency vehicle. Amber lights are used by hazard vehicles and blue lights are used by volunteer firefighters. Green lights are used by volunteer ambulance services. When an emergency vehicle is approaching, all other vehicles must pull off to the right side of the road and stop until it passes. It is also prohibited to follow an emergency vehicle within 200 feet while it is displaying red or flashing lights.
Road Work
Road construction is frequent. Because of the dangers workers face in high-speed traffic areas, vehicles must slow down when indicated by a sign or traffic control device to slow down. Traffic also must follow workers' signs if asked to do so, including merging when lane construction is under progress. Violations to road work regulations result in higher fines and tickets.
Driving Under the Influence
Most states adopt a zero tolerance rule when minors are driving under the influence. This constitutes anyone under the age of 21 with a blood alcohol content of 0.02 . Normal drunken driving limits for people of legal age is .08 and higher. Penalties include taking away the vehicle and license. Other penalties can include jail or termination if working for a driving related job or career.