How to Survive in Rush Hour Traffic
Set your alarm clock a few minutes earlier when you have a morning appointment. It is better to leave a few minutes ahead of time than trying to make it up on the road. Get a good night's sleep. If you are tired, you will not be able to respond as quickly to drivers who are weaving in and out and slamming their brakes in front of you. Lack of Z's will also make you more cranky and less patient. Eat a meal, or at least something small, to keep your blood sugar regulated before you head out. You do not want to fall asleep. Before starting the car, take a deep breath and say a small blessing or mantra to relax.
Use your signal whenever you are going to turn at an intersection or from one lane to the next. This gives other drivers the time to react to you and prevents anyone from becoming angry when they having to slam on the breaks when you get too close. A lot of fender benders occur because people pull into the same lane at the same time.
Don't tailgate the person in front of you. You do not like it when someone does the same to you. This can make the other driver get mad and do something dangeous, such as slam on the brakes. Going faster, rather than with the flow, will not get you there any quicker.
Listen to a great novel on CD or some soothing music, or learn a new skill from a book on tape. Think of this time as special, just for you. No phone calls (turn off the cell) and no interruptions from family members or your boss. It's your private time. Enjoy it.
Remember the first thing that you are told when learning to drive: Be careful of the other drivers. Anticpate what they are going to do, so you are prepared for their road rage actions. Also, if someone makes a rude gesture or yells, just smile back.