Where Are the Outdoor Warning Sirens in Sarpy County, Nebraska?
Northeast Sarpy County
Sirens blare their warning by turning around the top of poles. The sound can be heard for up to two miles, depending on topography. Nearly all the populated areas in northeast Sarpy County, including the cities of Papillion and Bellevue, are covered by three dozen sirens and their concentric circles of range. The only area not covered by warning sirens in Bellevue is the land closest to the Missouri River, east of Bluff Street. In Papillion, the county seat, all areas are completely covered except for the residential developments between Schram and Capehart roads, west of 72nd Street; only one siren is located in this area, near Shadow Lake.
Southeast Sarpy County
Sirens are not as prevalent in the southeastern part of the county because the population is not as great in the rural area. Only two sirens are located at interchanges along the Kennedy Expressway -- one at Fifth Street and the other near Platteview Road. A third siren in the southeastern part of the county is located along LaPlatte Road, providing coverage to the residents of Hanson's Lake No. 3. Another is situated at 87th Street and the Platte River on the county's southern border.
Southwest Sarpy County
The city of Springfield is covered by two warning sirens. One is located at the northeast corner of Springfield City Park and the downtown siren is on Third Street, between Main and Cedar streets. Fairview Heights has its own siren, close to 129th Street and Fairview Road. A fourth siren in southwestern Sarpy County provides an alert for travelers and businesses in the areas near I-80, Nebraska 31 and U.S. 6.
Northwest Sarpy County
Fourteen sirens have been placed in northwestern Sarpy County, providing awareness of impending storms for residents of Greta and the western suburbs of Papillion. Greta's sirens are located along Nebraska 31 near Schram Road, Angus Street and Lincoln Road. Developed areas north of Nebraska 370, between 114th and 204th streets, are almost entirely covered by 11 emergency sirens. Only a small area north of Nebraska 50 and West Giles Road is unserved, along with a few blocks of 168th Street at both Giles Road and Harrison Street.