How to Keep Warm Without Power
Bundle up. Stay warm by resting under as many quilts, blankets, sleeping bags, sheets and comforters as possible. Get creative, too. If you run out of bedding materials, use large towels for extra layering.
Cover up. Not only should you use a lot of blankets, you also should make sure you're dressed properly. Layers can be helpful for keeping you warm -- including sweaters, turtlenecks, coats and jackets. Do not neglect your head and hands, either. Knit hats and mittens can go a long way in keeping you warm and toasty despite the lack of heat.
Use your fireplace. If you are fortunate enough to reside in a home equipped with a fireplace, do not hesitate to use it. Place some wood inside of the fireplace, round up the entire household and enjoy the warmth of the fire.
Shut your window drapes when you can. This helps prevent heat from escaping through the windows.
Enjoy a warm shower. Raise your body temperature under warm to hot water. During a power outage, your water tank should remain hot for several hours, at least.
Close doors on rooms that are unoccupied, or usually unoccupied. Focus on maintaining all the warmth in the rooms you use frequently.