How to Make a Stretcher with Two Poles and a Tarp
Things You'll Need
- 2 long poles or sturdy tree branches, 3 feet longer than the height of the injured person
- 1 large tarp
Lay the tarp out flat. Place the two poles lengthwise in the middle of the tarp so the space between them is wide enough to accommodate the injured person's body. This should leave two flaps of tarp on either side of the poles.
Fold the left-side flap over the poles and tuck the edge of the flap underneath the right pole.
Repeat the process with the right-side flap, tucking the edge of the flap underneath the left pole.
Lay the injured person carefully onto the stretcher and lift gently. The person's weight will work to keep the sections from slipping; however, be cautious since the natural moving of the stretcher over time can cause the sections to slip apart slowly. Adjust the sections over time as necessary.