How to Deal With Ice Storms in Indiana
Things You'll Need
- Flashlight
- Batteries
- Gas camping stove
- Water
- Candles
- Matches
- Blankets
- Warm clothing
- Shovel
- First aid kit
- Manual can opener
- Prescription medications
- Food
- Radio
Watch the weather reports to know when the ice storm is likely to arrive. The is a good source of information. By anticipating the arrival time, you can start preparing early before the storm hits.
Shop for supplies and food. Make a list of the supplies you have on hand already, and shop for the rest. Buy food that does not require a lot of preparation in case you lose power. Be sure to buy enough food to last for seven to 10 days. It is better to have too much food than too little, keeping in mind that people eat more when they are bored and stuck at home.
Arrange for power alternatives for cooking and heating purposes. Gas sources are best. Using a gas grill for cooking works well. Firewood can be purchased as a backup emergency source for heat and for cooking purposes.
Winterize your home. Cover windows with plastic if you don't have storm windows. Cover pipes exposed to the cold with insulation.
Prepare a list of emergency phone numbers. Consult for storm information updates, shelter locations and any other helpful information. Put fresh batteries in the flashlight and portable radio should the power go out and you need the latest information on the storm.
Fill up the car with gas before the storm arrives.
Check on loved ones who might require help getting ready should they need to move quickly because of the storm. Be sure they have all the supplies they need or that you move them to your home or to an emergency shelter if necessary.
Trim limbs from trees that are hanging over your house. Ice storms snap tree branches, which can damage homes.