How to Keep Safe From Lightening
Look for shelter as soon as possible. If you are outdoors during lightning, immediately find an enclosed and grounded structure or vehicle. The bigger the building is, the better. Stay away sheds, canopies and gazebos (and all other types of open buildings), if at all possible.
Keep away from windows, whether you are inside of a car or in a building.
Shut down any electrical devices. Doing this can stop (or at least reduce) the chances of a power surge. Turn off all telephones, televisions and computers.
Stay away from water. Whether you are outdoors or indoors, it is always safe to avoid all water during lightning. Do not run water, wash dishes, bathe or shower when lightning is taking place. Water is dangerous, as it conducts electricity.
Remain indoors for a minimum of half an hour after the last incidence of lightning. Do not risk going outside until you are completely sure that the lightning is done.
Stay away from high points. If you're outside during lightning, do not go anywhere near phone poles, trees, communication towers or hills. Instead, seek out low areas, such as ravines.
Cease using metal equipment. During lightning, immediately stop using things such as bikes, golf clubs and and tractors.
Adopt a crouching position. If you're outside and have nowhere to go, crouch immediately and ensure that your feet are right by each other. To decrease your chances of damage of your ears, cover them both. Stay as far away from other people as possible (15 feet or more).