What should a bystander do in emergency?
1. Assess the Situation:
- Ensure your safety first. Quickly assess the emergency and prioritize your well-being.
2. Call for Help:
- Dial the local emergency number (911 in most countries) immediately. Provide clear and concise information about the emergency and location.
3. Stay Calm:
- Remain calm and composed. Panic can hinder your ability to think clearly and respond effectively.
4. Offer Basic Assistance:
- If the situation allows, provide any basic first aid or assistance you can without putting yourself at risk.
5. Control Bleeding:
- If there's bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or your hands to help stop the bleeding.
6. Perform CPR (if Trained):
- If the victim is unconscious and not breathing, initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if you are trained to do so.
7. Stay With the Victim:
- Stay with the person in need until professional help arrives. Provide emotional support and comfort.
8. Gather Information:
- If you're a witness to an accident or crime, observe and gather relevant details such as vehicle descriptions, license plate numbers, or suspect descriptions. Provide this information to authorities when they arrive.
9. Cooperate with Authorities:
- Answer questions from emergency personnel accurately and honestly. Your information can help them understand the situation and respond appropriately.
10. Be Prepared:
- Take emergency preparedness courses to equip yourself with essential skills for handling various emergencies effectively.
11. Follow Instructions:
- Listen and follow the instructions of emergency responders, medical professionals, or law enforcement.
12. Limit Bystanders:
- Encourage other onlookers to maintain a safe distance, ensuring that the emergency responders have proper access to the victim and can perform their duties effectively.
13. Document:
- If possible and safe, use your phone to take pictures of the scene (without obstructing emergency personnel) to help with documentation.
14. Offer Support:
- If appropriate, provide contact information so that authorities or medical professionals can reach you if they need further assistance or clarification.
15. Respect Privacy:
- Respect the privacy of the individuals involved in the emergency, especially if there's sensitive information or trauma involved.
16. Support Others:
- In cases of traumatic emergencies, provide support and comfort to fellow bystanders who may be distressed.
Remember that every emergency situation is unique, and your response should be guided by your safety and the well-being of those in need. Always follow the instructions of emergency personnel and cooperate with their efforts. By taking action as a responsible bystander, you can contribute to a positive outcome in emergency situations.