How to Prepare a Contingency Plan
Things You'll Need
- Battery-operated weather radio or television with extra batteries
- Emergency kit with food, water and first-aid supplies
- Waterproof and fire-resistant safe
- Canned food
- Bottled water
- Blankets and pillows
- Kit for important papers
- Cell phone charger
- Flashlights, crank or battery-powered
- Fire extinguishers
- Extra clothing
- Manual can opener
- Eating utensils, pocket knife
- Pet food, if needed
Listen to local radio and television stations for up-to-date information when dangerous weather threatens. Have a battery-operated radio or television on hand in case the power goes out; keep a supply of fresh batteries. Also have flashlights and fire extinguishers on hand. If your community has a siren or other alarm system, learn what the various signals mean. Remember that a weather watch indicates the possibility of a severe weather event; a warning means that it's most likely on its way.
Prepare an emergency kit for disasters. Include nonperishable food for at least three days, a gallon of water per person per day, a change of clothing, warm blankets and a first-aid kit. Make sure you have a manual can opener. Review your stored food supplies every six months and replace any items that are near expiration. Store your supplies in air- and water-tight containers. Remember to store food for your pets, too.
Evacuate if you are told to do so. Know where the schools and community centers are in your area, as these are likely to be used for shelter during disasters. If you have time to prepare your home, you can board up windows against breakage from hurricane winds. Move portable valuables upstairs if a flood threatens. Bolt furniture to the walls or move furnishings into the middle of rooms if a tornado is on the way. Know how to turn off your electricity, water and gas. However, don't ignore warnings to leave so you can try to protect your property -- it's not worth your life.
Keep your records safe. Purchase a waterproof and fire-resistant safe to keep your passports, birth certificates, Social Security cards, insurance papers, deeds and other valuable papers. Keep a file of photocopies of these documents to take with you if you have to evacuate. Make sure you have a list of all your credit and bank card numbers, as well as telephone numbers for your bank and insurance company. Make sure you have lists of emergency numbers for utility providers, family and neighbors. Have a plan of where to meet or a third party to contact if you and your family are separated when a disaster strikes.