The Advantages & Disadvantages of a Lean-To Shelter
Survival Kit
No matter where you are, you should have a survival kit nearby. A basic survival kit contains bandages, medications, water, dehydrated food, matches and emergency blankets. Making sure your kit includes duct tape, rain ponchos, a small shovel, a knife, a small hammer and some rope helps to increase survival odds in dire situations. If you find yourself in an area with no trees, you can use emergency blankets and ponchos to make an adequate lean-to shelter.
Lean-To Advantages
When you are enjoying wilderness activities like hiking, you may find yourself far from your vehicle or populated areas when a storm quickly appears. A lean-to shelter, made from nearly anything, will help protect you from rain, wind, hail and flying debris. Even without a survival kit with necessary materials, you can make a lean-to from sticks and vines. Layering leaves and sticks makes your shelter nearly waterproof.
Lean-To Disadvantages
Lean-to shelters have some disadvantages, especially in an emergency. Most lean-to shelters are small and uncomfortable, just large enough to fit yourself or your group. Depending on the strength of materials used to build the shelter, it may not withstand extreme winds and heavy falling debris, such as trees. A lean-to is one-half of an A-frame; a change in wind direction could make the purpose of the shelter null and void.
Other Uses
Lean-to shelters, made with clear plastic sheeting, can also be an inexpensive way to protect a newly planted garden from late frosts and heavy rains. This is especially useful when plants are young and fragile but can also provide protection from high winds that may occur later in the growing season. A lean-to garden shelter gives you an early start to the season by keeping your plants warm during cooler nighttime temperatures.
Wedge Tent
A wedge tent is also easy to construct and may provide more protection than a lean-to structure. A tree branch that protrudes horizontally provides the perfect place for a wedge tent. Create an A-frame structure with branches and leaves or emergency blankets. With enough materials, you can close in the front and back of the wedge tent for more protection.
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