How to Make a Biohazard Kit
Biohazardous material is anything that is potentially harmful to humans, animals or other living organisms. This includes synthetic chemicals, blood, vomit, urine, feces and other bodily fluids. Hazardous materials can spill and safety precautions must be followed to prevent accidental injury. A biohazard kit contains the items needed to properly manage a hazardous spill. It can be easily put together and should be clearly labeled for easy access in an emergency. There are several items that should be included in a biohazard kit.Things You'll Need
- Personal protective equipment
- Disinfectant spray or wipes
- Paper towels
- Plastic scoop
- Hazardous waste bags
- Hand sanitizer
Pack personal protective equipment -- PPE -- in your kit. This includes disposable gloves, gown, mask, eye shields, shoe covers and any other items specifically needed in your work environment. These items are one-use-only and need to be replaced after use.
Include biological spill powder to solidify liquid spills. This powder will solidify blood, vomit and other bodily fluids to improve clean-up. Disinfectant spray or wipes that meet the Occupational Safety & Health Administration standards should also be included. For example, blood spills must be cleaned up with chemicals that kill HIV-AIDS and other infectious diseases. Include paper towels and a plastic scoop for easy clean-up.
Store biohazard labeled waste disposal bags in the kit. A biohazardous waste bin should be located near the kit to collect these bags after clean-up.
Place a copy of the protocols for clean-up of hazardous spills on top of the items in the kit.