How to Make a Biohazard Kit
Things You'll Need
- Personal protective equipment
- Disinfectant spray or wipes
- Paper towels
- Plastic scoop
- Hazardous waste bags
- Hand sanitizer
Pack personal protective equipment -- PPE -- in your kit. This includes disposable gloves, gown, mask, eye shields, shoe covers and any other items specifically needed in your work environment. These items are one-use-only and need to be replaced after use.
Include biological spill powder to solidify liquid spills. This powder will solidify blood, vomit and other bodily fluids to improve clean-up. Disinfectant spray or wipes that meet the Occupational Safety & Health Administration standards should also be included. For example, blood spills must be cleaned up with chemicals that kill HIV-AIDS and other infectious diseases. Include paper towels and a plastic scoop for easy clean-up.
Store biohazard labeled waste disposal bags in the kit. A biohazardous waste bin should be located near the kit to collect these bags after clean-up.
Place a copy of the protocols for clean-up of hazardous spills on top of the items in the kit.