Outdoor Survival Gear & Tools
Many survival situations are the result of emergencies that drive us away from our primary means of shelter. Establishing new protection from the elements greatly increases the rate of survival. For a small kit, a few, simple garbage bags can be used as an improvised poncho or a tarp for a small shelter. Heat retaining "space blankets" can be packed in an incredibly small space and used for warmth. With slightly more space you can pack a tarp to be used for shade or as a lean-to type shelter in a pinch. For a larger kit, a quality tent with a rain fly is invaluable in the outdoors. If purchasing a tent look for quality materials and ease of setup. The stress of an outdoor survival situation is the wrong place to have to add the stress of a complex setup.
First Aid
Keeping yourself healthy allows you to do all the other things necessary in an outdoor survival situation. A well-stocked first aid kit will contain not only disinfectants and small bandages, but larger gauze pads, wrap-able "ace" bandages, alcohol wipes, insect repellent, surgical tape, and sunscreen. Do not forget to include extra prescription medications in any first aid kit, should they be required. Packing along over-the-counter painkillers can aid with any minor injuries as well.
A Quality Knife
No tool will be used as much, nor is more important in an outdoor survival situation, as a good knife. A knife is not something to skimp on. Avoid the gimmicky survival knives with a handle full of tools and gigantic blades. Elect for a full tang, quality constructed knife than can take abuse. A broken knife is a worthless knife so quality construction is paramount. A multitool--the type which have blades, pliers and other tools--can be an excellent addition as well. Quality is far more important than price in this case as well.
Firemaking Tools
Fire can not only provide warmth and cook food, but can provide comfort and light, as well as act as a signal to rescuers. A supply of matches in a small, waterproof container takes almost no space but provides enormous benefit. A backup source of fire-starting can be useful as well, such as a magnesium fire starting block with a flint edge. These can help ignite even wet kindling for a fire. A waterproof tinderbox can be filled with loose steel wool or dryer lint to provide effective, quickly lit kindling to start any fire.
Food and Water Essentials
Clean water is vital to a survival situation. You cannot go more than a few days at most without water. The best way to ensure clean water is to pack it in your survival kit. A gallon per person per day is a good starting point. Even if that is not possible, a canteen can be a lifesaver. Carrying some water purification tablets can be an effective way to make outdoor water sources potable. Pocket filters can further aid in making water safe to drink. Boiling water for five minutes can also kill any lingering bacteria. A tin cup can be used to transport and boil water, or even cook a small meal. A water bladder is a compact way to transport water from a local source in an outdoor survival situation.
Getting the attention of rescuers is crucial to ending an outdoor survival situation successfully. Every survival kit should include a quality whistle and a signaling mirror. These items are lightweight, compact and can make a huge difference in the success of being found. Save flashlight batteries for needed illumination, they are not visible very far away unless made for that purpose. Pyrotechnics, such as flares, work, but can be dangerous to use. Opt instead for a battery-powered beacon, which can be seen from quite far and can last a long time on a battery charge.