How to Teach Fire Safety in a Child Day Care Center
Explain what fire is. Use graphics and pictures as part of your presentation. Use age-appropriate terms and words. Read a storybook or watch a video that discusses what children should do if a fire occurs
Practice a fire drill. Demonstrate for students what to do if a fire breaks out at school. Instruct them to hold hands and follow as you lead them outside to a safe location. Practice going to the same location over and over until the children automatically know to line up, join hands and go to that location when the fire alarm goes off.
Demonstrate what to do if you have fire on your clothes or body. Show the students how to stop, drop and roll. Spread the children out across the classroom and encourage them to practice this technique.
Invite firefighters to daycare. Contact the local fire department to arrange a time for the children to meet the firefighters either at the daycare or on a field trip to the fire station. Allow the firefighters to talk to and take questions from the children. Practice a fire drill or the stop, drop and roll technique while the firefighters are present so that they can provide positive reinforcement for the children's actions.
Encourage at-home discussion. Inform parents that you're discussing fire safety at the daycare center by sending a note home with each child. Encourage the parents to discuss what to do in the event of a fire at home. This discussion should include how to get out of the house and where to go until help arrives.