Medical Alerts for Children
Identification Jewelry
The term medical alert conjures up images of metal bracelets. Today's medical alerts are made to be fashion savvy for children who want to have their alert fit in with their own style. A variety of identification necklaces and bracelets are available in hip styles that children adore. The jewelry lists the child's name and medical condition as well as any other pertinent information. They come in a variety of colors, shapes and materials.
Vehicle Decals
Teenagers spend much of their time in their car. Using vehicle decals is a simple way to ensure that in case of an accident, emergency personnel will be aware of any medical illnesses the teen driver may have. Decals such as "Diabetic on board" or "Epileptic on board" allow quick identification and save precious time in the event of an accident.
There are times when jewelry is not a viable option for a child. Having allergies to metals is common. In the event a child cannot wear medical alert jewelry, a useful option is the key chain. Medical alert key chains attach to backpack zippers or key rings. As with other medical alerts, key chains list all necessary medical information about the child for quick reference. Key chains come in a variety of designs for young and older children.
Shoe Tags
Shoe tags are an excellent alternative for preschool age children who don't like to leave jewelry on or are not responsible enough to keep a key chain on them at all times. Shoe tags slip onto the top lace of any type of lace-up shoe. Unless the shoe laces are completely removed from the shoe, the tag always stays in place. It is virtually impossible to lose, and being made of durable plastic, it won't break. As with other medical alerts, shoe tags come in multiple colors and shapes to please almost every young child.