How to Create a Plan of Escape for a Fire at Your School
Things You'll Need
- Flashlights,
- First-aid supplies
- Portable fire extinguishers
- Walkie-talkies
- Maps of the school, with safety exits marked
Design an evacuation plan with the help of teachers, school administration and the Parent-Teacher Association.
Create a map of the school with escape routes defined. Provide maps to every teacher and staff member.
Designate each teacher to be responsible for the students in his classroom during the exit process. Give each teacher a disaster kit which includes a flashlight, first-aid gear, portable fire extinguisher and walkie-talkie.
Close windows and doors to prevent oxygen from feeding the fire. Instruct teachers and staff to close doors and windows to prevent additional oxygen from feeding the fire.
Define escape routes and secondary escape routes, and be sure the teachers and staff know these routes.
Assign a staff member to contact emergency personnel. Assign a member of the office staff --- such as the assistant principal or secretary --- to alert emergency personnel to the fire.
Check washrooms to be sure frightened children are not cowering inside them. Designate custodians or office assistants to check restrooms and storage closets for children who may have been separated from their teachers.
Ensure that students with impairments are assigned a specific staff member who will be responsible for that child exiting the building safely.
Convene outside in a safe place. This is often the school parking lot. Have the teachers take attendance to be sure all children have exited the building. Alert first-responders to those who may be missing.
Practice your plan by conducting fire drills.