How to Escape From a Headlock
A headlock can be very dangerous and even cause injury and death. Headlocks are often seen on television or between siblings wrestling around. They can also be used as a sneak tactic by an intruder. You may have been put in a headlock by a friend who was joking around and not been able to get out. There are a few ways to safely remove yourself from a headlock and turn the table on whomever put you in the headlock.Instructions
Bring both of your hands up onto your opponent's forearm that is around your throat.
Grip the forearm tightly with both hand. Pull down hard on the forearm with both hands in one motion.
Turn your chin into the crook of the arm around your neck, pressing hard and do not let go. Keep a strong grip with both hands.
Step back one small step with your left leg and position it slightly behind or alongside your opponent's leg.
Move your left knee and shin sideways against your opponent's right leg, which is the same side as the arm wrapping around your neck.
Apply pressure until your opponent's leg buckles under the pressure and he falls face first onto the ground.