Earthquake Survival Techniques
Earthquake Kit
To prepare an earthquake kit, find a waterproof container, such as a trash can with a lid, to hold survival contents. Due to the possibility of water shortage or lack of water supply, you should have enough bottled water, 1 gallon per person per day, according to the website 72 Hours. Likewise, food such as canned food and other non-perishables, utensils and a manual can opener are necessities. A first-aid kit, toilet paper, feminine items, soap, diapers and blankets are things to be included. A tool set with scissors or a knife, hammer and nails and a flashlight with batteries could also come in handy when structures are damaged. For each family member pack warm clothes, shoes with strong soles and thick gloves in the case of broken glass. Also include food and water for your pets and trash bags for waste disposal.
A Family Plan
Write down and discuss a plan for your family in case of an earthquake emergency. Include emergency contacts who are not in the same area, and determine a location other than your home to meet in case of separation, such as a landmark that wouldn't be affected by an earthquake. If you have young children in school, make sure the school officials have all contact information for your and your emergency contact relatives. Decide on the best place to seek safety inside the home, such as against a sturdy wall and away from glass, under a heavy table or heavy desk and away from objects that could fall.
Home Safety Checks
Determine if your home is earthquake ready and can withstand an emergency situation. Check for gas leaks, which could lead to fire, cracks in the walls, ceiling and foundation. Also, place breakable items such as glass on lower level cabinets with fasteners, brace book shelves to walls, and make sure ceiling fixtures are secure. Likewise, remove or secure tightly heavy objects from above common sitting areas and sleeping areas.
Aware of Surroundings
Be aware of your surroundings in case an earthquake strikes and you are outside. Stay away from weakened structures and buildings, power-lines, telephone poles, trees, overpasses and freeways and try and find a place free from these potential safety hazards. Earthquakes topple buildings and can make communities and neighborhoods unrecognizable so, familiarize yourself with landmarks in the area and the distance between the landmarks and your home.