Lifepak 9P Specifications
Physical Specifications
The Lifepak 9 measures 13.9 inches high by 11.7 inches wide by 12.2 inches deep. It weighs 28 lbs. It is equipped with a 10-foot power cord and its standard paddle electrode area measures 82 square centimeters. The patient cable length is 13 feet in total, of which 10 feet consists of actual cable with the remaining 3 feet comprising the ECG leads. The non-fade monitor display is 4 inches wide by 3 inches tall, and the printer paper roll measures 50 mm wide by 100 feet long.
AC and Battery Power Specifications
This unit runs on a sealed lead-acid rechargeable 16 volt DC battery which is rated at three amps per hour. AC input of 120 or 240 volts can be adjusted to either 50 or 60 Hz by using the "Set Up" menu. The battery capacity is usually 75 discharges of 360 joules (75 jolts of power) or 90 minutes of monitoring with the minimum capacity measured at 40 discharges or 70 minutes. A low battery warning appears to alert the operator that connection to AC power is necessary, and an indicator light remains on during the charging process.
Performance - Defibrillator
The sweep speed of the Lifepak is 25 mm per second. The frequency response is non-diagnostic, which means the frequency provided by the unit is meant to restart cardiac function and not to assist in diagnosis. Diagnostic frequencies can be selected via the Setup menu. ECG lead frequencies in default non-diagnostic mode are from 1.0 to 40 Hz with interference of -3dB, and in diagnostic mode the lead frequencies range from 0.05 to 100Hz with interference of -3 dB. The ECG prints with a delay of 8 seconds after first appearing on the monitor. Paddle frequencies are 2.2 Hz to 20 Hz with interference of -3 dB.
Pacemaker Performance
As a non-invasive emergency pacemaker, the Lifepak 9P has an output rate from 40 to 170 pulses per minute. The output current range is from 0 to 200 milliamps and the refractory period ranges from 300 milliseconds at 40 to 100 pulses per minute to 200 milliseconds at 150 to 170 pulses per minute. The default output setting is 60 pulses per second and the default current is set to 0 milliamps.
Additional Features
A sync feature synchronizes the pulse of the defibrillator to the patient's heart wave pattern as recorded by the unit. An inverted triangle appears when this mode is selected. The Lifepak 9P also includes a heart rate meter with a three-digit readout, and it displays rates from 20 to 300 beats per minute. A heart rate alarm includes three preset user settings (150/40, 120/60, 160/90 high/low beats per minute), and settings can be adjusted via the "Set Up" menu.