Kits & Tools for Survival When Preparing for a Natural Disaster

Preparing for a natural disaster can be a difficult task as you never know when one will strike, what form it will take, or its intensity. Having the right kits and tools on hand if such an event happens to you will prolong your survival time and comfort level until you get rescued or you can get to safety.
  1. First-Aid Kit

    • A first-aid kit is essential for any natural disaster or emergency. A properly stocked first-aid kit will contain necessary equipment to bandage small bumps and bruises along with items to stabilize a major injury until help can be reached. Items include alcohol pads, antibiotic cream, and an assortment of bandages, compresses, splint and gauze. You should also include a supply of all necessary medications, pain relievers and other pharmaceuticals such as allergy medicine, eye drops and sunscreen. Tweezers and scissors make good additions to the kit and will help in dealing with many types of injuries.

    Water Purification System

    • A battery or manually powered water purification system will allow you to purify water that you know or think is contaminated. They are lightweight, compact tools that will sustain fresh water for a small group of people -- how much water and for how long varies depending on the model. Water purification pumps are available from outdoor stores, big box retailers and online camping stores.


    • Generators offer the ability to run necessary appliances, HVAC systems and household goods in a power outage. In areas prone to natural disaster such as hurricanes, tornadoes and strong thunderstorms it is ideal to have a medium to large generator to sustain your household in case you lose power during these events. A generator can, for example, supply light and power your refrigerator and freezer allowing the necessary food to remain edible.

    Food Kit

    • An emergency food kit is an essential item. It will offer the daily nutrition your body needs to remain healthy, especially if injured. Survival items include durable packaging, are shelf-stable and have long expiration dates. Ideal survival food includes canned goods, dried fruits, freeze-dried camping foods and military food rations. It is also important to have a store of clean, bottled water on hand for drinking and sanitation when water systems are not working. Store the food kit in a protective container where it will sustain the least damage in a natural disaster, such as an interior closet or basement.

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