Earthquake Safety Tips for Buildings
Fasten Up
When an earthquake strikes it can shake a building so hard that it comes apart at the seams. Any force strong enough to do this will make short work of the items in your home. Refrigerators, water heaters, bookshelves, armoires and other tall objects can easily be tossed around, causing them to fall over and land on someone nearby, causing serious injuries. Prepare your building for an earthquake by fastening these objects to studs in the wall behind them. This will help keep them upright in the event of a quake.
Get a Foundation Inspection
Have your building inspected for foundation problems. If your home or business building is not firmly attached to its foundation, or if the foundation is somehow weakened or damaged, it can be a disaster when an earthquake occurs. The shaking is more likely to topple a structure on a faulty foundation; even a partial collapse could crush or trap the people inside.
Turn Off the Gas
Have your gas connections installed for earthquake safety. There are flexible gas connections that may reduce the chance of a rupture during a quake. After an earthquake, take note of any unusual gas smells or hissing noises. These could indicate a gas leak, and you should open windows and evacuate the building immediately until the gas company is able to shut off the supply or repair the problem. Gas fumes can be toxic to humans and animals, and any spark could set off a fire or explosion in the building.
Know the Drill
If you live in an area where earthquakes are a common experience or in a place where they are likely to happen in the future, then you should be prepared with a plan for your family in the home, or with your co-workers at a business. Designate places in each room that would be the safest to take cover when a quake begins. This is usually in doorways or under sturdy furniture. No one should try to get outside or move a long distance until the shaking stops. Try to designate places within a few feet of every location where people can take cover.