Quick Self Defense Weapons
Jogger Pepper Spray
Jogger pepper spray comes with a small metal chain that can be slipped onto car keys or fastened to a belt. Jogger pepper spray bottles can fit inside any size purse. Although the bottle is small, it delivers a spray up to 12 feet and contains enough for 10 to 20 quick, short bursts. Upon contact, pepper spray causes coughing, extreme swelling and tearing of the eyes and burning of the skin. Each bottle is good for about four years.
Stun Guns
The Talon stun gun is small and easy to conceal at only 4 inches tall. When needed, the Talon delivers a fast, high-voltage burst that causes any assailant to drop as the signal between his brain and muscles is temporarily disabled. Another handy stun gun, the Knuckle Blaster, can be worn conveniently over the knuckles when the owner senses danger. Upon contact, this unique stun gun delivers 950,000 volts.
Mace Gel
Mace gel is a unique and quick self-defense weapon. When needed, this small bottle emits a painful blast of gel which sticks to the assailant like glue, so that it is not easily wiped away. Like pepper spray, the Mace formula sinks into the assailant's pores, causing intense burning and irritation in and around the eyes and nose.
Taser Guns
Taser guns are designed to prevent an attack before the assailant can reach the victim. The Taser fires two wires, each with a probe on the end that attach to the assailant. The wires shoot up to 15 feet, and the probes, which can penetrate clothing, emit a powerful electrical pulse to inhibit muscle control, much like the stun gun.