Emergency Management Courses
Emergency management courses will prepare people with skills and a clear understanding on how to react and respond effectively to several types of emergencies arising from natural and man-made disasters, acts of terrorism and other emergencies. Emergency management services have been growing in the spotlight and seen as an important career field given the fact that there have been a growing number of disasters that have been occurring in the past decade. For instance, some examples include the September 11th terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina, tsunami in Southeast Asia, BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the earthquake and tsunami in Japan that damaged their nuclear reactors.
Career-Related Fields
Jobs in the emergency management field can be seen in both the public and private sectors. In the private sector, it could be in the form of emergency medical technicians, ambulance crews and paramedics in the medical sector. Some other examples of emergency management professionals could be school nurses, swimming pool lifeguards and emergency staff who work for a company. Public sector jobs can include those who work in law enforcement, in the fire department or with Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Objectives of the Emergency-Management Course
People who complete the training in emergency management will be able to effectively react to manmade and natural disasters. They will also be able to draft an emergency plan of action as a form of natural response to an emergency. In order to implement the plan, they will know how to recruit qualified members who will make up an emergency response team that will help aid in the protection, evacuation and sheltering of citizens effected by an emergency disaster. The person taking this course will also be able to assess risk and vulnerability and be able to identify hazards so that they can take appropriate actions in repairing the damage.
Students and Degrees
Students who take courses in emergency management are often undergrads who are majoring in emergency management as well as in law enforcement. However, professionals also make up a group of people who are taking these classes as they are either working in the field or transitioning from another profession like law enforcement or military.