How to Use a Finnish Gas Mask
Things You'll Need
- Plastic hood
- Gas mask filter canister
Place a protective hood over the back of your head. One difference between gas masks and a simple respirator is facial coverage. Gas masks are designed to cover your entire face to keep your skin from absorbing chemical agents. If you do not use a plastic hood to protect the rest of your skin, the gas mask still protects from breathable chemicals, but does not protect your skin.
Take a deep breath and hold it. If possible, hold your breath until the gas mask is securely fastened to your face to avoid breathing extra quantities of tainted air.
Unscrew the cover from your filter in the event of a real emergency. Unscrewing the filter's cover breaks the protective seal and readies the filter for use, so don't unscrew the cover if you are simply practicing for an emergency. According to the "Terrorist Recognition Handbook," the m/61 is one of the most common Finnish gas masks. The m/61's filter is a large cylinder 60 mm in diameter. The cover is the only removable part of the filter, so it's easy to spot.
Screw the filter onto your Finnish gas mask. The m/61's filter attaches on the left side of the mask.
Place the Finnish gas mask over your face.
Pull on the strap tabs on the left side of the mask. Tighten the two straps until the mask fits snugly against your skin. Even a small gap lets toxic air into the mask; the entire mask needs to create a tight seal around your skin.
Breathe out normally. Your exhaled air will pass through the exhalation valve, and new air flows in through the filter.