First Aid Kit Check List
Cleansing and Disinfecting
Your first aid kit must include soap or hand sanitizer for cleansing hands or wounds and antiseptic solution or wipes for disinfecting wounds. Cotton balls and cotton-tipped swabs are useful cleansing tools. You also need antibiotic ointment, such as polysporin or bacitracin, to apply to cuts to reduce the risk of infection. Sterile eyewash, such as contact solution or saline solution, is useful for flushing out eyes.
Bandages and Tape
Your first aid kit must contain many varieties of bandages and tapes to accommodate a wide spectrum of injuries. Purchase adhesive bandages in various sizes as well as several sizes of gauze pads, roller gauze and triangular bandages. Include adhesive tape and elastic wrap for securing bandages or providing joint support. Duct tape is also useful.
Pain relievers, such as aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen, are a must in all first aid kits. Purchase anti-diarrhea medication, laxatives and antacids to cope with digestive troubles. Hydrocortisone cream is helpful in treating itching while calamine lotion can be used to combat contact with poison oak or ivy. Also stock aloe vera gel, activated charcoal or other remedies used for poison ingestion to be prepared for an accidental poison exposure. Do not take any of these remedies unless advised to do so by a poison control center.
Store a first aid manual with your kit so as to have information on treating various accidents. Sharp scissors, a pair of tweezers and safety pins in various sizes are also essential. Include latex or non-latex gloves in the event of a contamination risk. A turkey baster or bulb syringe is useful for flushing out wounds while instant cold packs can be used whenever ice is needed. Include a thermometer and a Save-A-Tooth storage device to capture any lost or broken teeth. If your kit includes any liquid medications, also include a medicine cup, spoon or syringe to measure and dispense medications.