Emergency Kit Supplies List
Bandages and Medical Tools
Cuts and scrapes are common injuries that are accidentally sustained in everyday life. It is important to treat them immediately using bandages or gauze to create a barrier and prevent an infection from developing. Include a variety of different bandage sizes from small to large as well as roller bandages for wrapping burns and cuts. Add sterile gauze to your emergency kit for larger lacerations, which traditional bandages are unable to cover. To fasten the gauze, add medical tape to your emergency kit as well as some scissors to cut the tape. Include tweezers for removing glass, splinters or any other foreign particles from the skin.
All emergency kits should have at least one type of disinfectant to sanitize wounds and prevent harmful bacteria from causing an infection. The most common disinfectant is medical peroxide, which is a liquid solution that kills bacteria and viruses when it is poured over the wound. Another common disinfectant is Polysporin, an antibiotic cream.
Lights, Candles and Flares
Light is an important component of any kit, as an emergency can occur at any time of day. Include at least one flashlight in your kit with a spare set of batteries, as well as a set of candles with matches. The newer LCD flashlights are excellent choices because they are very bright and have lower battery consumption than traditional incandescent flashlights. Add a set of flares to your kit, as they can be invaluable when signaling for help. Flares are effective in all weather conditions and emit a bright glow that can be seen from a distance.
Food and Water
Not all emergency kits are equipped with these items, but they are invaluable for times when you are stranded and away from food sources. For water, pack some water purification tablets as well as a clear plastic bottle to mix the solution in. For food, include freeze-dried food packets, granola bars, dry cereals or dried meats such as beef jerky. Non-perishable, high-energy foods are invaluable for survival during natural or man-made disasters.
Shelter and Warmth
Some of the most underrated emergency kit items are the most important. If you are serious about assembling a kit for all conditions than it is essential that you also include a tarpaulin and some blankets in your emergency kit. The tarpaulin has grommets, which enable it to be secured and provide a makeshift shelter. Blankets help keep you warm if you are caught in cold temperature conditions.