Safety Precautions During Natural Disasters
Falling items
In the case of a natural emergency, homeowners must move or adjust falling items that may injure family or pets. If possible, items such as glass jars and soup cans require immediate repositioning or removal to avoid the threat of injury from falling debris.
The threat of injury from chemical, electrical and thermal fire damage during a natural disaster requires the quick use of fire control equipment. Utilize fire extinguishers, fire blankets and alarm systems to extinguish or prevent the spread of a disaster-related fire. In addition, avoid the use of elevators and employ the stop, drop and roll technique to extinguish burning clothing.
First Aid
Immediate medical attention related to a natural disaster requires a supply of first aid items. Provide emergency first aid by using the wraps, bandages and medication contained in a pre-positioned kit to treat wounds. If possible, contact an emergency responder such as the fire department or EMS for transportation and further care.
In the case of a major natural disaster, evacuate family members, pets or employees to a predetermined shelter or protective site. Built-in home shelters or even temporary tents act as rally points during emergency situations.