Safety Precautions for Earthquakes
An earthquake is a frightening natural disaster, but with the right preparation you can safely avoid injury. Have an earthquake plan in place so that everyone in your house knows where to go, what to do and where the emergency kit is. Use these tips to stay safe.-
Earthquake Emergency Kit
Prepare an emergency kit and store it in an accessible place, somewhere you can safely get to during an earthquake. The kit should include canned food, bottled water, a first aid kit, dust masks, battery-operated flashlights and a battery-operated radio. Make sure the first aid kit is always up to date and that canned food is not past the expiration date.
Take Cover
During an earthquake it is important to take cover. Drop to the ground and get under a table or desk. Stand in a doorway and make sure there aren't any bookcases or heavy furniture that will land on top of you. The idea is to get underneath something that is strong enough to protect you from falling objects without breaking or collapsing on top of you.
Stay Indoors
Stay indoors during an earthquake. Take cover and stay away from windows. If you are in bed you should stay there and hold a pillow over your head for safety. If you live in a high rise or other apartment building, the fire alarms and sprinklers will go off during an earthquake. You should continue to remain indoors until all the shaking has stopped and you are certain it's safe to go outside.
Use Caution While Outdoors
If you are outside during an earthquake but not in a vehicle, run to the nearest open spot. A field or park is a good option. Stay away from buildings, trees and power lines if you can. They could fall on top of you in a bad earthquake. If you are in a vehicle, drive slowly and carefully to a clear space like an empty parking lot. Turn off your vehicle and stay inside until the shaking stops.