First Responder Responsibility
Who Are First Responders
The responsibilities of first responders are largely governed by the nature of their jobs, as well as the training they have received to accomplish designated tasks and duties. Firefighters have the primary responsibility of dealing with fire rescue as well as assessing the extent of potential damage to the area. Law enforcement officers' duties entail restoring order after an emergency, whether it be a natural disaster, community disturbance or outbreak of hazardous chemicals. An emergency medical technician's role as a first responders is to attend to the immediate medical care of patients who have been injured or become ill during the emergency.
Terrorist Attack Responsibilities
In the advent of a terrorist attack, local first responders have the primary responsibility to conduct the first surveillance assessment of the magnitude of the hazards presented. If an attack by a weapon of mass destruction attack is suspected by the first responder, it is essential that law enforcement officers, fire officials and emergency medical personnel work seamlessly to ensure continuity of command and information flow. They must be decisive in determining level of destruction and loss of life, and must request the assistance of additional local, state and federal resources to contain the hazard, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency website.
Securing Environmental Accidents
Environmental accidents can present an immediate threat to neighborhoods, residents, businesses and even cities or regions. First responders must arrive immediately after trains derail carrying hazardous chemicals, trucks spill hazardous waste or factories manufacturing chemicals explode and release chemicals into the air or onto the ground. First responders arrive with protective gear in order to avoid direct contact with airborne, solid or liquid contaminants. They then work to control and confine the spill, treat the wounded, isolate those contaminated and evacuate the area. They notify state and federal emergency authorities and relay as much information as possible that can be gleaned from the accident site or markings on the vehicle transporting the spilled chemicals.
Managing Disaster Stress
The first responder is trained in how to manage the emotional stress that victims and even other first responders may experience during disasters and emergency situations. When first responders encounter mass casualties, seriously inured children and senior citizens or crowd-generated mass hysteria created by fear, anger and loss, they must display a calming influence. During disasters, the first responder cannot show anger or be impatient, rather he should exhibit tolerance and display good listening skills by being empathetic, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association website.