Emergency Kit for Schools
First Aid
There's no set list of items included in a first-aid kit; items could vary from school to school. Items that might be included in a first-aid kit are disposable gloves, sterile dressing, swabs, bandages, safety pins, water proof dressing, eye pad dressing, disposable scissors, microporous adhesive tape, resuscitation face shield and low adherent, absorbent dressing. A first-aid kit is essential for treating a variety of common injuries. Hand sanitizer, paper towels, and tissues are optional items you could include in a first-aid kit. It's important to keep wounds clean to prevent infection.
Contact List
A list of the student contact details should be kept inside the kit; next of kin telephone numbers and addresses are useful so teachers can contact them in an emergency. The same applies to special needs students; a descriptive list of medial issues, dietary needs, and prescription medicines could also be left in the kit. Contact information for the fire department and local police should also be in the kit.
School Emergency Procedures
Include a manual consisting of school emergency procedures in the emergency kit. Procedures could be on the allocated exit points, meeting area for emergencies, hazardous materials, and advice on how to address children with physical, developmental, motor, sensory, or mental challenges. Advice for children with limited English could also be included in the manual. Advise in the manual how to keep in contact with safety responders regarding evacuations and updates on procedures. The information is there to assist schools in different situations and can vary depending on the school.
As well as consisting of a student contact list, first-aid kit and a manual of school emergency procedures, the emergency kit should also include a whistle, pens and paper, hat or vest for teacher identification, battery-operated torch, district crisis team contact details, communication device, and student activities suited for varied age groups.