Instructions to Deal With Any Accidents in School or on the Bus
Assess the situation, and remove any victims from immediate danger, for instance if the bus is about to catch fire, or there is falling masonry in the school. Summon help, sending someone to ring for emergency services, if necessary. Deal with the most severely injured person first, if there is more than one. Check the injured child for any obvious bleeding or injury. Stop any bleeding by applying pressure to the area. Put an unconscious victim in the recovery position.
Reassure the child and calm the other children--if possible, ask another staff member to do this. Remove the other children from the area if it is safe to do so. Contact the school's medical personnel so they can check the injured child. Inform the child's parents or carers. Report the incident to the school principal and the school district office.
Write down the details of the accident in the appropriate place, according to the school's policy. Ask any witnesses to the accident to give an account of what happened. Follow the school's policy on talking to the media. The school authorities (and the transport company, if a bus was involved) should investigate what happened before the accident and the causes of it. Review current policies and procedures in light of the accident and see if any lessons can be learned.