How to Tell the Age of Israeli Gas Filters
Things You'll Need
- Approved gas mask
- Coordinating gas mask filter
- Banana oil ampules
How to Tell the Age of Israeli Gas Mask Filters
Choose a gas mask with an NBC filter for all kinds of survival scenarios. Treat the filter and the mask separately. Gas masks and gas mask filters have different shelf lives and may also have been manufactured at different times. The date on a gas mask then --- often denoted on the interior as the last two digits of the year of production --- does not provide information on the gas mask filter's expiration date.
By far, Israeli gas masks have been the most popular in the surplus market. Check the data on the filter canister itself. Usually, the first two digits of the serial number on the filter signify the year of production. For example, 02 would mean that the filter was manufactured in 2002.
Remember that filter shelf life runs from five to ten years, depending on the model. A filter can be sold as brand new because it has never been used, yet still be technically expired. Though it is not recommended to depend on an expired filter for emergency survival, you can use expired filters for casual activities like painting or cleaning.
Gas masks have longer shelf-lives than their filter counterparts, often of 20 years. Use test ampules like banana oil to test the security of your gas mask filter (see references below), especially if you are unsure of the expiration date. If this nonharmful odor is detected by the user while wearing the gas mask properly, the mask or filter should be replaced.