Solutions for Gun Violence in Middle School
Gun violence is a subject that should be discussed by the entire student body; guest speakers from law enforcement may resonate with middle school students. Information that should be provided includes how to look for signs that a classmate may be about to plan a shooting, who to tell, how telling is a good thing and how it can save many lives. Students should also be informed of the characteristics to look for in potential gun users, which are antisocial behavior and having a history of bullying or being bullied.
Young children often act out as a result of family problems such as abuse, divorce, and other negative situations and changes that occur in their lives. They also mimic their parents' behavior, so those who come from abusive homes may feel that violence is always a means to solve problems. Parents should talk to their children more often, become more involved in their children's lives and support their children with whatever challenges they may have; these effective parenting strategies can help deter children from resorting to violence.
Encourage teachers to look for evidence that students may be unhappy or troubled. The earlier that signs are detected, the better the chances are of catching a school shooting prior to it actually happening. Studying previous incidences of gun violence at schools may be a tool to help teachers know what to look for. Educators should have counseling sessions for children who exhibit violent or antisocial behavior.
Stricter Gun Laws
Many people think there should be stricter gun laws put in place to make students and other perpetrators think twice about bringing a gun to school. In particular, harsher punishments for juveniles who bring guns to school is something currently under consideration. The Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Accountability and Rehabilitation Act proposes that juveniles be punished to a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for carrying a weapon in school zones or on school property.