Specifications for Commercial Hurricane Shutters
The cheapest material an effective shutter can be made from is plywood. Many people who cannot afford commercial shutters buy and construct their own temporary shutters from plywood using simple brackets. Shutters can also be made from any type of wood that is thicker and tougher than plywood, as well as aluminum or heavy steel, each offering successively more protection.
Commercial hurricane shutters have a minimum thickness suggestion of 5/8 inch. Flying debris may break through wood shutters thinner than 5/8 inch during a hurricane. The thickness of the shutter is also important regardless of the material the shutter is made from. If fast flying debris hits the shutter with enough force, the shutter itself could slam against and break glass windows or doors.
Shutters can be either manual or automatic. When deciding on which type of shutter to purchase, consider your needs and lifestyle. An elderly person might require an automatic accordion shutter that closes at the touch of a button. However, convenience is more expensive, and those who do not need this function may prefer a cheaper, hardwood shutter that must be closed manually. All automatic shutters should have a manual backup system in case power is lost during a hurricane.
Choosing a company to make and install your commercial shutters is an important decision. While many companies offer this service, make sure the company you choose is licensed, has good references and provides the proper material and protection for the price. Call the references given by the company for reviews of the product. Contact the Better Business Bureau to make sure the company you buy from is listed with a positive standing.