How to Keep Warm in Cold Temps
Things You'll Need
- Non-cotton undershirt
- Non-cotton socks
- Waterproof hooded jacket
- Hat
- Mittens
Layer your clothing. Put on a polypropylene shirt as your first layer. Use a standard waffle-cloth undershirt or a polyester shirt in a pinch. Add on a wool sweater and a thick outer jacket to protect you from the wind. Half your body heat escapes through your head, so wear a wool or synthetic hat.
Wear the right fabrics. The layer closest to your body should always be a wicking material, like polypropylene, which wicks moisture directly from your skin and prevents you from becoming chilled. Layering yourself in six different articles of cotton clothing may feel warm momentarily, but unlike wool and synthetic fibers, cotton looses almost all insulation capabilities when wet.
Keep your stomach full with complex carbohydrates, protein and fat. Your body heats itself by burning calories. If you haven't been eating much, you will have no energy to burn for warmth. Remain hydrated to promote healthy blood circulation.
Exercise your body. The best way to ward off the cold is to start moving. Remove a single outer layer if you become overheated and sweaty. Prevent rapid chilling by redressing immediately when you stop moving.
Protect your extremities and head. Exposing your hands, feet and head can lower your body temperature. Comfortably snug fitting items offer the best protection because they allow for circulation but also keep heat close to your body. Uncomfortably tight clothing will reduce your circulation.