The Strongest Bulletproof Vests
P2AHL2D by GH Armor Systems
The P2AHL2D vest is manufactured by GH Armor Systems. The vest is gender neutral and has a side opening. The vest ranges in size from C2 to C5, but does not cover size C1 (short). The shot-to-edge distance for the first round is 2 inches, while the shot-to-edge distance for the second round is 3 inches. The vest comes with a five-year warranty.
AIIA by Galls
The AIIA bulletproof vest is made in a male and female version. The male version of the vest, known as the AIIA-1, has a side opening, and covers size ranges from C2 to C5, but doe not cover size C1. The first round shot-to-edge distance is 2 inches, and the second round shot-to-edge distance is 3 inches. The warranty is five years. The female version, known as the AIIAF, covers sizes C1 to C5, has equivalent shot-to-edge ratios as the male version, as well as a five-year warranty.
DX-IIA by Protective Products Enterprises
The DX-IIA bulletproof vest is designed for both male and female users. It has a side opening and covers all available size ranges, from C1 through C5. The shot-to-edge distance for the first round is 2 inches, and the shot-to-edge distance for the second round is 3 inches. The warranty is five years.