Ideas for an Emergency Preparedness Presentation for Seniors
Engaging the Group
Begin with an exercise that engages the audience instantly. One idea would be to ask those present to give an example of a situation that they feel well prepared for, and then one that they would not know how to respond to. If the presentation is about one particular topic, for example a flu epidemic, ask audience members to write down their three top fears in a flu epidemic. This will help focus the presentation, and engage the interest of all those present.
Varied Activities
Show the audience a short video about a relevant disaster. If possible, arrange for a member of emergency services to give a short talk to the group. Set up a multiple-choice quiz, including some questions with unpredictable answers. This encourages the participants to think. Introduce a fun element to offset the serious nature of the subject. You might include a goodie bag, or small prizes to give away.
Group Brainstorming
Split the audience into small groups, and present each group with an emergency scenario that they are asked to prepare a plan for, such as a fire in a building with several disabled residents, or a flood warning of one hour. The outcomes can be presented and discussed with everyone at the end of the session, with the presenters offering feedback on the plans. Keep in mind that you may have a wealth of experience in the room, including former emergency services personnel. Group brainstorming is an effective way to harness this experience and involve all the seniors.