Universal Precautions for Cleaning Solutions
Before attempting to clean an area or attend to an injured person, put on rubber gloves. Towels can also work as a barrier between your skin and the bodily fluids. Although because the gloves are water proof, they provide more protection. You should also keep paper towels or disposable towels on hand as these items should be thrown away after cleanup. Trash bags are also a necessity as is a cleaning solution such as bleach or other industrial strength cleaners.
Wipe up all fluids with paper towels and dispose of them immediately. Use approximately one fourth of a cup of bleach and mix with one gallon of water. Use a spray bottle or rag to apply liberally in all contaminated areas. If the bodily fluids are on any clothing, these items should be thrown away as well or washed immediately. Make sure to wash hands and arms thoroughly with soap. It's also wise to double check all jewelry that you are wearing.
All cloth items that have been contaminated should be thrown away or washed as soon as possible. Put all contaminated items in a trash bag and seal it tightly so that the contents do not spill out.
This method of cleaning should be used in all public facilities such as schools, hospitals, day care centers, restaurants and other places with a high volume of people. It's wise to also follow these precautions in more relaxed environments such as the home.
If you have any open wounds, it's best to let another person handle the clean up as you are at a higher risk of contamination through the blood stream. If you are forced to handle the cleanup, make sure to bandage any wounds you may have before hand.