Fire Life Safety Training
Fire Training Sources
Fire training consists of educating people about the risks and remedies for out-of-hand fires. The U.S. Fire Administration offers courses for both adult and kids. Components of this fire training include fire escape planning, home fire safety and smoke alarms. National Wildfire Academies are open nationwide so that participants become more aware of the dangers of forest fires and how to combat them.
Fire Department Training
Fire training is also conducted by state Departments of Forestry and Fire Protection. California, under the Office of the State Fire Marshal, provides already-trained fire officers with a wide range of courses inclusive of fire apparatus operation, firefighting tactics, firefighter survival and fire origins and causes.
Fire Volunteer Training
Trainees interested in becoming firefighters must undertake rigorous fire training procedures. The National Voluntary Firefighters Corps administers courses where members can take advantage of weekly or monthly sessions on fire safety methods, fire extinguishing and teaching fire training to others.