How to Donate Plasma in South Florida to Make Money
Things You'll Need
- Valid photo ID with current address
- Social security or INS card
Contact the donation center and make an appointment. Not all centers require an appointment but it's always better to call and confirm. The nurse or receptionist also might ask you a few questions regarding current and past health issues.
Drink plenty of water the day before your donation. Blood is comprised largely of water, which means the more hydrated you are, the faster you'll recover from your donation. Avoid caffeine and sugary beverages.
Eat a well balanced meal, rich in iron but not full of fats. An example of a good meal is a grilled chicken sandwich and a salad. Continue drinking water during the day of donation.
Go to the plasma donation center and check in at the front desk. As a first-time donor, you will need to complete paperwork regarding your health history. Certain activities automatically prevent you from donating plasma, such as recent piercings or tattoos or having lived in certain parts of the world for longer than four months. Following the paper work, you will meet with a nurse who will take your vital signs and prick your finger to ensure that you're healthy enough to donate.
Undergo your plasma donation. The process is similar to donating blood but usually takes between 30 to 50 minutes to complete. During this time you can read, watch TV or chat with your neighbor.
Collect your payment at the compensation desk. You can donate twice per week with a period of 48 hours between each donation so your body can recover properly.