Types of Breathing Masks

There are several different types of breathing masks, or respirators, as they are called commercially. Each type serves a specific function. Because it is important to have an emergency preparedness kit for your family in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency, your kit should contain a dense-weave cotton face mask as the very minimal in protection, according to Ready America. You may, of course, outfit your kit with the maximum protection, like gas masks or oxygen tanks, if you feel the need and have the resources to do so.
  1. Particulate Respirators

    • These are the least expensive, easiest to find and most-recommended face masks for emergency preparedness. There are different ratings for these respirators, starting with the most common, N-95. As particulate respirators, they are effective against keeping particles in the form of dust or other fine matter from being inhaled. A secure fit wherein all the edges of the mask are firmly against your face is essential for the mask to function properly. This may not work well with facial hair.

    Escape Respirators

    • These are usually full hoods that secure around the neck and adequately filter air for 15 minutes to one hour. They are intended for this one-time use in order to help the wearer relocate to a safer location. They should not be relied on for longer than the product-advised time. Try on your escape respirator before purchasing, if possible, as they may not fit people with greater- or less-than average neck sizes.

    Air-Purifying Respirators

    • Equipped with an air-purifying cartridge, these filter the air through the cartridge as you breathe. The face mask is secured to the head by straps, and is effective against chemical exposures as well as biological exposures. In order for one to work, be sure to choose the correct cartridge for your mask.

    Gas Masks

    • Gas masks are extremely effective breathing masks, but are threat specific. This makes them difficult to purchase for the sake of emergency preparedness. They also must be used correctly to be effective, and training is often required. As with all the above masks, the seal against your face is extremely important and may be hindered by beards or sideburns.

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