Lifepak 500 AED Operating Instructions
Prepping the Patient
Ensure the patient is indeed in cardiac arrest.
Turn on the AED by pressing the green "ON/OFF" button. The Lifepak 500 has visual and audio instructions to assist you through the rest of the process. You will see and hear a message to connect the electrodes to the patient.
Check the display screen on the Lifepak 500 AED. If the AED is ready for use it will display the word "OK." If the unit is not working it will display an image of a battery to indicate the need to change the battery, or an image of a tool to indicate the need to service the unit.
Remove the patient's clothing from the upper torso area.
Remove excessive hair from the electrode area to ensure proper discharging of the defibrillator.
Ensure that the skin where the electrodes are to be placed is dry, and that the patient is not on standing water.
Applying the Electrodes
Place the electrode, with the ♥ (heart) or + sign, lateral to the left nipple of the patient, with the center of the electrode in the mid-axillary line.
Starting from one end of the electrode, press it firmly onto the patient's skin. No space should be left between the electrode and the skin; otherwise there is a possibility of burning the skin.
Place the second electrode on the upper right torso of the patient lateral to the sternum and below the collarbone. Ensure that it is firmly placed against the skin.
Operating the Defibrillator
Remove the electrode connector cable cover from unit and connect the electrode connector to the Lifepak 500 AED. Follow the directions from the AED's screen messages and voice prompts.
Press the yellow "Analyze" or clear "Menu" button to find options for audio recording if you would like to have a recording of what occurs with the patient.
Press the yellow "Analyze" button to analyze the patient's ECG rhythm. The messages "Stand Clear" and "Analyzing now" will appear on the screen. Some models of the Lifepak 500 AED do not have the yellow "Analyze" button. Those devices will automatically analyze the patient's ECG rhythm after you press the clear "Menu" button and follow the options on the screen.
Press the orange "Shock" button when prompted by the unit through the message "Shock advised" and then the messages "Stand clear" and "Push to shock." This will deliver energy to the electrodes.
Begin CPR when prompted by the unit. This will occur whether or not a shock is advised. The unit will advise the proper amount of CPR time needed, and an audio and digital message will tell you when to stop.
Repeat the steps to analyze and shock the patient if prompted to do so by the unit.
Place the patient in the recovery position, but leave the Lifepak 500 AED attached if the person recovers consciousness or shows signs of breathing.
Special Circumstances
Apply the electrodes to a flatter area on the chest if the patient is obese or has large breasts. Pull the skin to spread it apart and create a flatter surface if necessary.
Apply the electrodes away from the internal pacemaker generator for patients in whom such devices have been implanted.
Apply the electrodes in the anterior-lateral position for patients with implanted defibrillators.
Alternative Electrode Placement
Place the electrode, with the ♥ (heart) or + sign, lateral over the left precordium, the area over the heart and stomach. The top edge of the electrode should be below the nipple.
Place the second electrode behind the heart in the area beneath the shoulder blade. Avoid placing the electrode over the bony section of the spine or scapula.
Move the electrode cable away from the patient so she is not lying on it.